2022 St. Lucia

  1. St. Lucia Festival and Service - December 10th; Downtown Lindsborg & Bethany Lutheran Church

2022 St. Lucia LSFD Schedule of Events

Please take the time to promote on social media with friends and family. Here is our official St. Lucia Flyer

  1. LSFD provides a bake sale that has profits going towards TACOL, each Dancer is asked to contribute 1 unit. We have a signup to try to get various items, but if something doesn't fit exactly for you, please sign up wherever. You can also sign up to work a shift in lieu of bringing a unit. This is mandatory, you must either bring 1 unit or work a shift for this Lucia bake sale.

Please sign up here for bake sale: TACOL BAKE SALE SIGN UP : Please get signed up prior to December 4th

  1. WE ARE IN NEED OF EXTRA HELP throughout the day for St. Lucia. There are roles for students, parents, and even siblings or relatives, please help by signing up here. St. Lucia Extra Volunteer Help : Please get signed up prior to December 4th