November 2019

1. ***Make the goal to have your passport completed and in your hands by March! We will need to turn in all of that information to the airlines.

2. Help is still needed at St. Lucia on December 14th. Please we need volunteers in both Dancers as well as parents to sign up for work shifts! Here is your schedule from Tami.

3. Coffee changes, please note the change in delivery date! Due to unforeseen circumstances, the coffee pickup date has been pushed back to Thursday December 12. Coffee will be available for pickup at Messiah Lutheran Church from 6pm-8pm. MLC is located at 402 N. first street (the one on the south corner of the Bethany College campus, NOT the big white church). Enter through the north side of the building in the furthest east door (you can park in the handicapped spots to load). Go directly upstairs. You can also call or text Jeanne and arrange a different pickup time. Jeanne's cell is 785-212-1846. When you pickup your order, you will need to allow time to check your order for accuracy. Large orders can take upwards of 20 minutes to check.

4. There is a Scrip informational meeting planned with Rebecca VanDerWege on December 4th at 7:00PM in the Soderstrom Cafeteria, if you’d like more information on how Scrip works and how to sign up, please attend, ask Rebecca about any other information you might need.

5. A huge thank you to the Peterson family for hosting the Julkarve afternoon with the freshmen! It was a wonderful experience and greatly appreciated by the downtown, AdHoc wished to express their thanks to the Petersons and the freshmen that helped! Thanks also to the Smoky Valley Community Foundation for a grant of $300 to help offset the costs incurred.

6. Still waiting on committee guidelines from a good number of you, please get it done.

7. Please see updated information on the performance at Beatrice, Nebraska.

COMMITTEES announcements important this month:

Julkarve: Freshman students only- Sunday, November 17th @ 1:30- you will report to the Peterson farm, 3072 W. Rose Hill Road, to make Julkarve for downtown, thank you for your service! Keep November 24th as a backup on the calendar in case there is bad weather on the 17th. This is not optional, so if there is a reason you can’t attend, please let Margo Lysell know immediately, otherwise contact Kathy Peterson with any questions at, 785-472-1821. THANK YOU to Kathy Peterson and family for arranging this service and to the freshman workers!

Coffee Sales- Due to unforeseen circumstances, the coffee pickup date has been pushed back to Thursday December 12. Coffee will be available for pickup at Messiah Lutheran Church from 6pm-8pm. MLC is located at 402 N. first street (the one on the south corner of the Bethany College campus, NOT the big white church). Enter through the north side of the building in the furthest east door (you can park in the handicapped spots to load). Go directly upstairs. You can also call or text Jeanne and arrange a different pickup time. Jeanne's cell is 785-212-1846. When you pickup your order, you will need to allow time to check your order for accuracy. Large orders can take upwards of 20 minutes to check.

Thanks so much to everyone for your flexibility! This fundraiser that supports local business is wonderful, and we are thankful it is available to us.

Committee Guidelines- Committee guidelines need to be filled out by the family meeting on Nov. 10th! Download or copy this form and then please get with your committees to get these established and email them to Margo after your committee and your project mentor have approved.

Here is an example of how it should be filled out by the committee I am on. I could see Dala Van possibly needing two of these, one for Hyllningsfest and one for Midsummers. Bake sale maybe a couple as well?

This report is also accompanied by a much more detailed report to make sure that everyone is on the same page and these things can function very easily from year to year. PLEASE take good notes in your committees to help the future years to come!

You can check out my committee page to see what I’m envisioning each committee will start to build for each other and for the future of this organization. Basically the notebook, but online where everyone can have access to that needs it, can edit easily, and not reinvent the wheel and assign tasks more easily to others to share the load!


Bake Sale: Prairie Patch Bake Sale Here is the signup!

Holiday Baking! If you’re interested in being given special request baking by LSFD please sign up on this sheet so Molly can assign you orders. Please see the baking committee page for more information on special order baking.

Please use this updated pic for Holiday Baking publicity. Emphasize Molly’s contact information when you see people requesting things on Lindsborg Now or other sites where they just randomly throw out requests for baking, please! You can go get your own baking, just please remember to report it as stated in the Baking section policies off of the committee page. Molly will also post on the Holiday Baking sign up as orders come in so you can see where they are getting assigned.

Costume announcements: Please let Kim Suhr know if you need a garment bag or a new dala horse pin. I believe everyone should have garment bags now. If anyone needs one, let me know and we will order more. I've heard of some needing new dala horse pins. Let me know if yours is broken and you need a new one. Everyone should be good on socks and tights since we just ordered. Let me know if you are not. Costume issues-Ladies, if you do not have tights- you should be wearing socks and bloomers. I am still seeing skin when some fly and twirl. Please take care of this. All-Please be sure your collar closes at the neck. Bloomers and collars were the main problems I saw at Hyllningsfest. Thanks for your help in taking care of these issues. Please have your son/daughter's information sheet completed and to Kim Suhr by the Nov. family meeting.

Previous Sweden announcement: Absolute last call on anyone adding or dropping from the Sweden trip! We have the flexibility to let a couple of people still drop based on our flight reservation, but I must know definitively by Sunday at 9PM. We might possibly even have room to add one or two more.

Parents going as sponsors as of this moment are: Maegan Lee, Kim Suhr, Shawn Replogle, Melanie Shallock, Larry VanDerWege, Steve Ahlstedt, Alexa Reed, and Henry Littich. All 56 Dancers are going as well.

***Remember that if your account is in good standing with LSFD and you have not gone to Sweden, it is possible to still bow out. Meaning that if you have decided this is not for you, it is not too late to settle your account and not be a member anymore with zero hard feelings. Before you go to Sweden, you will be signing a contract according to the by laws. If you don’t love being in LSFD especially as a freshman or sophomore, it only gets more difficult to fulfill your duties as dancers and families after the Sweden trip, so please think about this and let me know by Sunday night.

“Membership shall be from the start of the member's freshman year through summer tour following graduation. Membership shall include a contractual agreement signed prior to the trip to Sweden by the dancer and parents and notarized to fulfill both time and financial obligations to this time period. Legal action may result in failure to follow the agreement.”

Photo Announcement: Photos for LSFD: In this year’s group photo, there were numerous unfortunate things that took place, which has made the photo need editing. Hand gestures, putting rocks all over, etc…

Because of this, the Board voted on 11/10 that there will be nothing in ANY LSFD photo that has anything other than appropriate smiles and dress. Anyone violating this policy will be brought in front of the board for disciplinary action. This includes the formal group photos, to photos from performances or on trips. You are representing LSFD and photos are not the time to be messing around. Thank you for your cooperation on this.


November 6th- Coffee packets handed out

November 9th- Prairie Patch Bake Sale

November 10th- 4:00 Board

5:00 Family Meeting

November 16th- Red wheel items picked up at Lindsborg Family Dental 8AM

November 17th- Freshman students only to Peterson farm to make and deliver Julkarve downtown

November 20th- Coffee orders due

DECEMBER 14th- St. Lucia!!!