RED WHEEL PICK UP THIS SATURDAY at Lindsborg Family Dental at 8:30AM!

  1. Coffee sales- November 1-15. Order forms can be picked up in the mailbox at Jake's house (411 N. Main in Lindsborg) on Sunday November 1, or in Mrs. Lysell's classroom on Monday, November 2. Orders are due November 15 and can be turned in under the front door or in the mailbox at Jake's house. Money is due with the order, so please text Jeanne before you drop it off (785-212-1846). CHECK YOUR MONEY TOTALS AND TOTALS ON THE ORDER SHEET!

Our tentative pickup date for students/families is Saturday December 5 from 10am-Noon at Messiah Lutheran Church at 402 N. First Street (The one on the college campus, NOT the big white church). Enter on the north side on the furthest west door and go up the stairs. Please allow at least 10 minutes to check your order for accuracy. All COVID-19 protocols should be observed, and masks are required at all times. If we have a high volume of sales, we will assign specific times to each student/family. If Saturday December 5 does not work for your family, simply text Jeanne and she can meet you another time.

Coffee Order Form

Coffee Descriptions

  1. Julkarve! CANCELED as a freshman project, the Peterson family will do this alone with our current Covid situation. As always, thank you Peterson family for stepping up!

  2. The Dala Van Committee rib rack fundraiser went very well. Thanks to Steve Ahlstedt for heading that up with his trusty aide Brenton Anderson and all of the other Dala Van helpers. I think it's safe to say if those guys are willing, we'd like to be able to do it again. GREAT JOB!

  3. You can STILL SELL POINSETTIAS! Poinsettias are a GO, I was able to add some late additions and can still add some more for the next two weeks if you want to try to sell anymore, it would help us get to the free shipping. They said with us keeping it simple, they should be able to get us what we want, so you have until November 20th to make any additions to the sheet. $17 per poinsettia, choices are red, white, or burgundy 6.5 inch pot with foil covering. Delivery will be Monday, November 30th at 5:00PM at the high school.

Turn in your money into Margo Lysell as soon as you've completed your sales. My address is 525 N. 3rd, I do have a mailbox that dumps directly into my garage, please just send me a message and let me know it's in there! Check that your money matches up EXACTLY to what you have on the sheet!

YOU keep track of your poinsettia orders, but you must add your totals to this sheet by Monday morning at 8AM on November 23rd:

  1. Scrip cards! These are super popular for Christmas gifts, for anyone wanting a physical scrip card, you will need to place those orders by December 6th. We are going to stop with monthly physical scrip card orders as sometimes we are paying more for the shipping than what people are even making. So, a one time order for physical scrip cards again must be placed by December 6th, if you want to save on the shipping costs.

RAISE RIGHT- this is the new app for Scrip cards! It is way better than how things were done, so make sure you download it. You can order physical gift cards from here and have them delivered straight to you as well.

The LSFD Board met on November 2nd and voted to suspend all in person LSFD activites until February when they'll revisit. We will continue with the fundraisers that do not require the kids to congregate, but everything else will be canceled. With the way quarantines were handed out today even with kids that were wearing masks, we are not comfortable being a barrier to our kids having in person school.

No family meeting on November 15th.

Coffee sales- YES

Ribs- YES

Red Wheel pick up- YES

Poinsettias- YES

Snowflake Parade, wrapping fundraiser, and Bake sale- NO

Lucia, wrapping fundraiser, and Bake Sale- NO

Dancer practices- NO

Important Dates

November 1- coffee sales start

November 8- Julkarve freshman project, 3:00- CANCELED- Peterson family will do this alone

November 14- Red Wheel pick up at 8:30AM Lindsborg Family Dental

November 15th-
Coffee orders DUE to Jeanne Lucas!

November 30th- 5:00PM poinseittias pick up at SVHS!