September 2021

  1. The grape picking has been postponed at Smoky Hill Vineyard to Saturday 9/11 from 6:30am-noon and possibly that Sunday 9/12 at the same time as well. Please contact Nicki Ebert with any questions on this at
    (913) 481-1167 or
    Here’s the link for all the details for anyone who’s interested:

Here’s the map to get to the vineyard:,+Salina,+KS+67401/@38.9190017,-97.6141751,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x87bcd008ff999e35:0x72d382982be92b38

**** Grape picking will happen again on September 18th, get a hold of Ebert's with any questions!

  1. HYLLNINGSFEST SIGN UP MEETING!!!!! Sepember 12th! Bring your school laptop and make sure discussions are had before as to who can work what and when! We will sign up in rounds at the school that day. For those of you that need to make shift sign-ups, please get that to me by September 7th. I'd like to get it in the note for that week, so people can see it before we do the signups on the 12th.

2. Group photo on September 15th at 6:30! Location will be at the Swedish Pavilon. Come dressed and ready to go, be quiet and cooperative to get it done. We will then go back to the grade school for practice if you want to bring a change of clothes. You will practice for one full hour after the photo, so get changed quickly, but please drive slowly back to school. Parents, if your child can not drive and don't have a sibling, please arrange for transportation back to school.Most should fit in a director car if you're ok with that. Please place your photo orders here ASAP!

3. MUM SALES!!!!! Mums are a 9 inch size only, we are selling them for $13 each. Please put your sales in this google spreadsheet NO LATER THAN September 20th!!! Mums will be delivered on Saturday, September 25th to the high school parking lot at 8AM.

Here is the flyer that you can use to publicize.
Turn in your money after double checking to Anecea Stambaugh the day that flowers are being picked up or before.

4. September 25th, Wichita Art Museum performance- this link includes all information on who is going and bake sale link. This is a great opportunity to promote Lindsborg to a large area of people that could regularly visit and a chance to raise some more funds. That being said, no guarantees on how well this bake sale will go over, so sign up understanding that we might sell out, we might not. Bake Sale signup is on that link and is OPEN for more signups! Those performing can sign up for four units, anyone not going can sign up for 1 unit.

5. September 29th- Red Wheel Sales Begin, forms will be handed out at practice. Kate Cooper is in charge of this project, please direct questions to her. Sales and money are due to her on October 27th and delivery will be on Saturday, November 13th at the Covenant Church. Like all sales, YOU are to double check all of your counts and make sure all of your money adds up correctly BEFORE you give your orders to Kate Cooper. Make sure it's neatly done and organized so it goes smoothly for her.

6. Are you willing to donate some Ginger snaps to the Hyllningsfest committee- don't need to do this anymore, Margo went ahead and made them all since no one had signed up.

7. There have been price increases for baking. Please make sure that you use THIS GRAPHIC for promoting any sales. Remember you are allowed to do miscellaneous baking on your own, you just need to report what you're doing to Molly and turn in your money to Becky.

8. Bake Sale Hyllningsfest:

Every student will bring 10 units. When we do sign up on Sunday, please make sure you're watching totals!!!!

9. Hyllningsfest workshifts:

These will be the workshifts available for Friday and Saturday. Each student must take at least 4 shifts, those can be filled by anyone willing to help them out, not just them. However, please make sure it's someone capable of fulfilling that job. i.e.- don't send a 4th grader to work the fryer or great grandma to stand for two hours doing wrapping. Please make sure you stay at your shift until your replacement has arrived and you've told them things work. Again, you can flip flop baking with working shifts with members of the group if you choose, but because of the nature of the beast of Hyllningsfest these are the requirements!


Septebmer 12th- Board and family meeting 3:00, 4:00- BRING YOUR LAPTOP!

September 15th- group photo 6:30PM at the Swedish Pavilion

September 20th- MUM sales DUE on spreadsheet

September 25th- Wichita Art Museum Performance and Bake Sale AND MUM PICK UP 8AM

September 29th- Red Wheel Sales begin