June 2022

1. Reminder- you must be fully vaccinated including the booster by June 11th!

2. June 11th- Midsummer's Day- keep checking here for updates- committees, please email me the information that needs to be included for people ASAP! Please see the Midsummer Page for all information. https://www.lsfd.info/2022-midsummers-info

3. Seniors- you must turn in your garment bags to Alexa Reed before you are eligible to get your refund. Please do this in a timely manner, so Becky can get everything processed. Refunds will wait until after the trip and everything is all completed.

4. Trip shirts- you will receive an email that says when they are ready to be picked up from Artshirt.

Midsummer pictures: Mike Rose:https://photos.app.goo.gl/Rwqo9s4DoZTJtiGK8

Taton Tubbs: Lindsborg Now on Facebook, and our page on Facebook.


June 11th- Midsummer's Day Activities ALL DAY!

June 23rd- you must complete a PCR Covid test- we have arranged this at SVHS from 9AM-noon. If you are not there, you might get this done on your own.

June 25th- Leave for trip- load buses at 8AM in the SVHS parking lot, arrive back on July 2nd.