March 2020

The Swedish genealogical workshop has been canceled no performance!!!!!

1. March 7th- Red Wheel Pick up is at 9AM at Lindsborg Family Dental, please note the change!!!!

2. Please look at the following document to see the items that you still need to get me! I have a number of people who have not turned in their Emergency Medical Release, or some turned it in, but without a copy of the insurance card. You can also please start getting me passport copies as well. Please send paper copies of these with your child and do not email them to me, you can turn them in at the family meeting as well.

Check to see what you need to get me here:

Generic Health form:


3. Yoder meat sales- please see their committee page for all of the information you need. Yoder Meat committee page

Packets will be handed out 3/4 at practice, with sales going until 3/25. Delivery will be around 4/15 if anyone asks, but that is still in the air a bit depending on when their trucks are available.

4. You MUST get me passport information by the end of this month!

5. Palm Sunday, please see that committee page for all of the information that you need and sign ups, bake sale sign up for palm sunday is on there as well!

6. BAKE SALE FUNDRAISERS: Palm Sunday Bake Sale/Lindsborg in Bloom

April 5th- Palm Sunday Last names A-M Contact Karen Blanchatt with questions.

Indicate on the google spreadsheet what you are planning on bringing to the bake sale so the committee is reassured there will be an assortment of items.

April 25th Lindsborg in Bloom Bake Sale Sign-up Last name N-Z

7. Attendance reminder- the only things that are excused as far as practice and family meetings go are official school sponsored activities, family vacation, and illness. Work, other activities such as youth symphony, club tournaments, etc... are not excused, you made a commitment to this organization first and knew what that commitment was as a freshman. By all means plan ahead and use your four absences when know you'll have conflicts, but some are taking advantage at this point. A parent is required to be at family meetings if one can not attend, then you need to assign an adult to be the representative to come for your student. We have tried very much so to streamline these meetings and will only have them when there is important information we need to make sure you hear. Please do your part and model that importance for your child. The board met regarding our attendance issues lately, after 4 unexcused absences, the student will go in front of the board and be given extra assignments on behalf of Dancers to make up for the time they are missing. Because of Sunday evening conflicts it was decided to move up family meetings to 4:00, with the board meeting at 3:00. This has been on your calendar for quite some time.

Important dates this month:

  • Saturday, March 7th- Red Wheel pick up 8AM.
  • Sunday, March 8th-

3:00 Board Meeting

4:00 Family Meeting


  • Wednesday, March 11th- NO PRACTICE too many gone for the play.
  • Wednesday, March 18th- NO PRACTICE ENJOY Spring Break!
  • Wednesday, March 25th- Yoder meat fundraiser DUE, bring to practice