JULY 2020

We won't have too much going on in July, hopefully that is!

A few new items and reminders:

1. Anyone that has any kind of strings experience, needs to send Mandy Francisco an email ASAP, please don't make her track you down @ maynaard@msn.com. Because of a large shortage of strings players, the Board voted that anyone that has this experience needs to help out as we are a service organization with what we need to make this organization function. At this point in time, we have a PLETHORA of girl dancers in particular. This does not mean that you will NEVER dance again, but it does mean that we need you to help pitch in, so every girl that wants to can take a turn dancing. We graduated a large group of senior strings players and of boy dancers, so we really need females that have strings experience to help out.

2. Seniors, I had asked that you send Danelle awdanelle@icloud.com and Pari Fordpl@bethanylb.edu a picture, they will be getting in contact with any of you that have yet to do so. Again, we want to thank you for your service to the Lindsborg Swedish Folk Dancers! We wish we could have sent you off with much more fanfare. If you have already decided that you are not going on the Sweden trip, can you message me and let me know please?

Another thank you to Tami for her years of dedicated service to LSFD as well!

3. Upcoming performance!!!

Holly Lofton has contacted us with a request to perform on August 19th. We need fiddlers and dancers. She has three tour busses coming in that day in separate places and has reached out to the adult group to perform at one location, she would like us to perform at the Sundstrom over the lunch hour, so it would be a short commitment for you that day! Thanks to those of you willing to serve!

Please sign up here ASAP, so I can let her know if we are a go or not. Seniors, if you're still around and want one last hurrah, you can sign up too!


4. Bake Sale- the bake sale went very well, thanks to those of you who signed up to bring baked goods and thank you especially to the Jacob Reed family for one last hurrah!

On a bake sale note AGAIN, if your items do not look good, are overbaked, or not packaged properly, you will most likely not be receiving any fund from the bake sale. The bake sale doesn't want to have to be the bad guy, so monitor yourselves. It's better to just say, I'm sorry, my almond cakes turned out terrible, instead of bringing bad items. It is not fair to the people who bring nice looking items and do it properly to have to lose money for your items that they can not sell. I would encourage you to bake your items in advance and freeze, that way there's no last minute crisis that has you bringing items that don't look very good and can't sell, or would give our bake sales a bad reputation for having items not up to par. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

5. The raffle baskets are a go. Here are some pictures if you need them to help you promote. You can make a lot of money off of this, in the fact that it is pure profit and most people would prefer just to give you a donation then buy stuff anyway, you just have to ask.

Contact Anki Apel at ankiapel@gmail.com or Traci Patrick at tracipatrick08@yahoo.com for more information or to pick up and/or return your tickets. You are responsible to turn in the cash or the tickets for what you sold/or didn't return, so keep track of your tickets!

$5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20! Pure profit for those accounts, we will draw in August most likely when the car show happens depending on what the world looks like then.

There will be multiple drawings this time, 5 winners I believe.

1 large winner with a $400+ value basket, 1 winner with a $200+ basket and then three smaller jewelry winners.

A thank you to these people for making these baskets possible with ZERO cost to the Dancers!

Emily Patterson

Haley Peterson

Tina Adams

Jennifer Krob

Shelly Heimer

6. We did get our picture from Jim Turner, I'm sure you could contact him for any of you wanting to purchase a good copy.
