June 2020

Hello all! Lots of back and forth and changes in the world these days.

Midsummers and some from the downtown have differing ideas, so things are just kind of hectic. Because of this, we are doing volunteer based stuff only because of requests by downtown businesses and the CVB.

1. Bake Sale

June 20th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Location will be at the DALA TOWN, 105 N. Main by Jaliscos We ask that you have your baked goods delivered to the Dala Town by 9:30am that morning. This bake sale is optional. If you decide to participate we would ask that you bring 1 unit of your choosing. Please sign up on the following sheet.


2. Volunteer Dancer and fiddlers-

UPDATE, - we are good! Please see the sheet below to check if you're performing, meet Mandy at First Bank Kansas parking lot on Main at 10AM and 2PM.

If you are willing to dance or fiddle on Saturday June 20th in small group performances around town. Please put your name down on the Spreadsheet below, Margo will let you know by next Monday, June 15th if you are definitely needed. Priority will go to Seniors who wish to dance first, it will be in two waves of very simply pop up performances nothing formal or announced, the sessions are from 10AM-Noon and 2PM-4PM. Huge thanks to Mandy Francisco for heading this up. We would like as many fiddlers as we can get and then 4 boys and 4 girls for each session for social distancing. We are going to try to do some kind of senior recognition soon of some kind, more to come on that and seeing who can be there and when on June 20th.


3. Raffle basket- I am in the process of getting the raffle basket together. Your ticket sales will go directly towards your account, so again another possibility to get some serious funds for your account!

We will sell them for $5 a ticket or 5 for $20.

Please contact Anki Apel, ankiapel@gmail.com or Traci Patrick, tracipatrick08@yahoo.com to check out tickets and to turn them in. You will be responsible to turn in the cash and/or the tickets that you do not sell that you check out. We will draw for a winner of the raffle basket probably on Saturday, August 1st when we have the Dala Van and the Car show in town.

This basket will be ready to go by this Saturday, June 20th. I just wanted to get the information out there.

4. Artshirt is finishing up a merchandise website for us, that will be out soon. Push that out on social media and by email as much as you can. It will have generic Lindsborg items as well as LSFD merchandise and will hopefully be a nice fundraiser for us.

Here is the link to the store, please spread it far and wide by social media and email! This is an EASY fundraiser and it's really helping a downtown business in great need as well.


Thanks everyone!